Nov 182016

Earlier this year, Microsoft announced that they would be releasing a version of SQL Server that would run on Linux.  Today, I was excited to learn that Microsoft finally announced the public preview of what they are currently calling SQL Server v.Next, and that it is available for both Linux and Windows operating systems.  More information, along with download links and documentation can be found here:

In this article, I will not only show you how to deploy a Linux VM in Azure running SQL Server, but also how to configure a 2-node failover cluster to make it highly available!  And WITHOUT using shared storage (aka “sanless” or “shared nothing” cluster).

The end result will be a 2-node SQL Server for Linux cluster (plus witness server) in Microsoft Azure IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).  The guide includes both screenshots, shell commands and code snippets as appropriate.  I assume that you are somewhat familiar with Microsoft Azure and already have an Azure account with an associated subscription.  If not, you can sign up for a free account today.  I’m also going to assume that you have basic linux system administration skills as well as understand basic failover clustering concepts like Virtual IPs, etc.

Disclaimer: Azure is a rapidly moving target.  And here I’m working with a public preview version of SQL Server for Linux.  As such, features/screens/buttons are bound to change before SQL v.Next is officially released so your experience may vary slightly from what you’ll see below.  While this guide will show you how to make a SQL Server for Linux database highly available, you could certainly adapt this information and process to protect other applications or databases, like I have written about before here (MySQL example).

These are the high level steps to create a highly available MySQL database within Microsoft Azure IaaS:

  1. Create a Resource Group
  2. Create a Virtual Network
  3. Create a Storage Account
  4. Create Virtual Machines in an Availability Set
  5. Set VM Static IP Addresses
  6. Add a Data Disk to cluster nodes
  7. Create Inbound Security Rule to allow VNC access
  8. Linux OS Configuration
  9. Install and Configure SQL Server
  10. Install and Configure Cluster
  11. Create an Internal Load Balancer
  12. Test Cluster Connectivity


This article will describe how to create a cluster within a single Azure region.  The cluster nodes (sql-linux1, sql-linux2 and the witness server) will reside in an Availability Set (3 different Fault Domains and Update Domains), thanks to the new Azure Resource Manager (ARM). We will be creating all resources using the new Azure Resource Manager.

The configuration will look like this:


The following IP addresses will be used:

  • sql-linux1:
  • sql-linux2:
  • sql-witness:
  • virtual/”floating” IP:
  • SQL Server port: 1433

Create a Resource Group

First, create a Resource Group.  Your resource group will end up containing all of the various objects related to our cluster deployment: virtual machines, storage account, etc.  Here we will call our newly created Resource Group “sql-cluster”.


Be mindful when selecting your region.  All of your resources will need to reside within the same region.  Here, we’ll be deploying everything into the “West US” region:


Create a Virtual Network (VNet)

Next, if you don’t already have one, create a Virtual Network.  A Virtual Network is an isolated network within the Azure cloud that is dedicated to you.  You have full control over things like IP address blocks and subnets, routing, security policies (i.e. firewalls), DNS settings, and more.  You will be launching your Azure Iaas virtual machines (VMs) into your Virtual Network.

My Azure account already has an existing VNet ( called “cluster-network” that I’m going to use in this guide.  Creating a VNet is pretty straightforward, and I’ve covered creating one here if you need a refresher.

Create a Storage Account

Before you provision any Virtual Machines, you’ll need a Storage Account to store them.


Next, give your new storage account a name.  The storage account name must be unique across *ALL* of Azure.  (Every object that you store in Azure Storage has a unique URL address. The storage account name forms the subdomain of that address.)  In this example I call my storage account “sqllinuxcluster” but you’ll need to select something different as you setup your own.

Select a storage Type based on your requirements and budget.  For the purposes of this guide, I selected “Standard-LRS” (i.e. Locally Redundant) to minimize cost.

Make sure your new Storage Account is added to the Resource Group you created in Step 1 (“sql-cluster”)  in the same Location (“West US” in this example):


Create Virtual Machines in an Availability Set

We will be provisioning 3 Virtual Machines in this guide.  The first two VMs (I’ll call them “sql-linux1” and “sql-linux2”) will function as cluster nodes with the ability to bring the SQL Server database and it’s associated resources online.  The 3rd VM will act as the cluster’s witness server for added protection against split-brain.

To ensure maximum availability, all 3 VMs will be added to the same Availability Set, ensuring that they will end up in different Fault Domains and Update Domains.

The Azure Marketplace has a VM template called “SQL Server vNext on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2” that has a public preview evaluation version SQL Server v.Next for Linux pre-installed, which will save you a few steps.  If you’d rather start with an empty VM and install SQL yourself, the installation instructions can be found here.

Create “sql-linux1” VM

Create your first VM (“sql-linux1”) and select the marketplace image mentioned above.


Give the VM a hostname (“sql-linux1”) and username/password that will later be used to SSH into the system.  Make sure you add this VM to your Resource Group (“sql-cluster”) and that it resides in the same region as all of your other resources:


Next, choose your instance size.  For more information on the various instance sizes available, click here.

For the purposes of this guide, I selected the smallest/cheapest size I could, in this case “DS1_V2 Standard”, to minimize cost since this won’t be running a production workload.  Select the instance size that makes most sense based on what you are looking to test:


IMPORTANT: By default, your VM won’t be added to an Availability Set.  On the Settings screen during make sure you create a new Availability Set, we’ll call “sql-availability-set”.  Azure Resource Manager (ARM) allows your to create Availability Sets with 3 Fault Domains.  The default values here are fine:


On the next screen, review your VM properties and click OK to create your first VM.

Create “sql-linux2” and “sql-witness” VMs

Repeat the steps above twice to create two more VMs.

The only difference here is that you’ll be ADDING these VMs to the Availability Set (“sql-availability-set”) we just created.

It may take a little while for your 3 VMs to provision.  Once complete, you’ll see your VMs (sql-linux1, sql-linux2 and sql-witness) listed on the Virtual Machines screen within your Azure Portal.

Set VM Static IP Addresses

The VMs will be set with the following IP addresses:

  • sql-linux1:
  • sql-linux2:
  • sql-witness:

Repeat this step for each VM.  Select your VM and edit the Network Interfaces


Select the network interface associated with the VM, and edit IP configurations.  Select “Static” and specify the desired IP address:


Add a Data Disk to cluster nodes

Next, we will need to add a extra disk to of our cluster nodes (“sql-linux1” and “sql-linux2”).  This disk will store our SQL databases and the later be replicated between nodes.

Note: You do NOT need to add an extra disk to the “sql-witness” node.  Only “sql-linux1” and “sql-linux2”.

Edit your VM, select Disks and then attach a new disk.  Select a disk type (Standard or Premium SSD)  and size based on your workload.  Here I create a 10GB Standard disk on both of my cluster nodes.  As far as Host caching goes, “None” or “Read only” caching is fine.  I do not recommend using “Read/Write” as there is potential for data loss:


Create Inbound Security Rule to allow VNC access

If your VM is part of a Network Security Group (NSG), which by default it likely is unless you disabled it during VM creation, the only port open in the “Azure firewall” is SSH (port 22).  Later in the guide, I’ll be using VNC to access the desktop of “sql-linux1” and configure the cluster using a GUI.  Create an Inbound Security Rule to open up VNC access.  In this guide port 5902 is used.  Adjust this according based on your VNC configuration.

Virtual Machines -> (select sql-linux1) -> Network interfaces -> (select NIC) -> Network security group -> (select the NSG) -> Inbound security rules -> Add


Linux OS Configuration

Here is where we will leave the Azure Portal for a little while and get our hands dirty on the command line, which as a Linux administrator you should be used to by now.  You aren’t given the root password to your Linux VMs in Azure, so once you login as the user specified during VM creation, use the “sudo” command to gain root privileges:

$sudo su -

Edit /etc/hosts

Unless you have already have a DNS server setup, you’ll want to create host file entries on all 3 servers so that they can properly resolve each other by name

Add the following lines to the end of your /etc/hosts file:    sql-linux1    sql-linux2    sql-witness   sql-vip

Disable SELinux

Edit /etc/sysconfig/linux and set “SELINUX=disabled”:

# vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux

# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
#     mls - Multi Level Security protection.

Configure iptables so that cluster the Virtual IP will work

In order to get connectivity to the cluster Virtual IP to work, and also monitoring of the IP resource, a few iptables rules need to be setup.  Note: is the Virtual IP we’ll be using in our cluster, and 1433 is the default port used my SQL Server.

Note: RHEL7 changed the default firewall to FirewallD, instead of iptables.  Haven’t spent much time with firewalld yet, so for now this guide will disable firewalld and use iptables instead. You’ll also need to install the “iptables-services” package so that the service and chkconfig commands below work.

# systemctl stop firewalld
# systemctl disable firewalld

On sql-linux1 (, run the following commands:

# yum install iptables-services
# iptables --flush
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 1433 -j DNAT --to-destination
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 1434 -j DNAT --to-destination
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p icmp -s -j SNAT --to-source 
# service iptables save 
# chkconfig iptables on 

On sql-linux2 (, run the following commands:

# yum install iptables-services
# iptables --flush 
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 1433 -j DNAT --to-destination
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 1434 -j DNAT --to-destination
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p icmp -s -j SNAT --to-source 
# service iptables save 
# chkconfig iptables on

Install and Configure VNC (and related packages)

In order to access the GUI of our linux servers, and to later install and configure our cluster, install VNC server, as well as a handful of other required packages (cluster software needs the redhat-lsb and patch rpms).

# yum install tigervnc-server xterm wget unzip patch redhat-lsb
# vncpasswd

The following URL is a great guide to getting VNC Server running on RHEL 7 / CentOS 7:

Note:  This example configuration runs VNC on display 2 (:2, aka port 5902) and as root (not secure).  Adjust accordingly!

# cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:2.service
# vi /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:2.service

# Clean any existing files in /tmp/.X11-unix environment
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/vncserver -kill %i > /dev/null 2>&1 || :'
ExecStart=/sbin/runuser -l root -c "/usr/bin/vncserver %i -geometry 1024x768"
ExecStop=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/vncserver -kill %i > /dev/null 2>&1 || :'

# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl enable vncserver@:2.service
# vncserver :2 -geometry 1024x768

Reboot Cluster Nodes

Reboot your cluster nodes so that SELinux is disabled, and the 2nd disk you previously added is detected.

Partition and Format the “data” disk

In Step 6 of this guide (“Add a Data Disk to cluster nodes”) we did just that….added an extra disk to each cluster node to store the application data we will be protecting.  In this case it happens to be MySQL databases.

In Azure IaaS, Linux Virtual Machines use the following arrangement for disks:

  • /dev/sda – OS disk
  • /dev/sdb – temporary disk
  • /dev/sdc – 1st data disk
  • /dev/sdd – 2nd data disk
  • /dev/sdj – 8th data disk

The disk we added in Step 6 of this guide should appear as /dev/sdc.  You can run the “fdisk -l” command to verify.  You’ll see that /dev/sda (OS) and /dev/sdb (temporary) already have disk partitions and are being used.

# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 31.5 GB, 31457280000 bytes, 61440000 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disk label type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x000c46d3

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 2048 1026047 512000 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 1026048 61439999 30206976 83 Linux

Disk /dev/sdb: 7516 MB, 7516192768 bytes, 14680064 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disk label type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x7cd70e11

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1 128 14678015 7338944 83 Linux

Disk /dev/sdc: 10.7 GB, 10737418240 bytes, 20971520 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes

Here I will create a partition (/dev/sdc1), format it, and mount it at the default location for SQL, which is /var/opt/mssql.  Perform the following steps on BOTH “sql-linux1” and “sql-linux2”:

# fdisk /dev/sdc
Command (m for help): n
Command action
e   extended
p   primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): 1
First cylinder (1-1305, default 1): <enter>
Using default value 1
Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (1-1305, default 1305): <enter>
Using default value 1305
Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered!
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.
[root@sql-linux1 ~]#
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
# mkdir /var/opt/mssql
# chmod 770 /var/opt/mssql

Mount the filesystem:

# mount /dev/sdc1 /var/opt/mssql

Install and Configure SQL Server

If you started with a fresh linux system, the full installation instructions can be found here.

If you created your VMs using the “SQL Server vNext on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2” Azure template, as I have done in this guide, then SQL Server is already installed.  All you need to do now is run the setup script:

# /opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr-setup
Microsoft(R) SQL Server(R) Setup

You can abort setup at anytime by pressing Ctrl-C. Start this program
with the --help option for information about running it in unattended

The license terms for this product can be downloaded from and found
in /usr/share/doc/mssql-server/LICENSE.TXT.

Do you accept the license terms? If so, please type "YES": YES

Please enter a password for the system administrator (SA) account: <enter desired password>
Please confirm the password for the system administrator (SA) account: <enter desired password>

Setting system administrator (SA) account password...

Do you wish to start the SQL Server service now? [y/n]: y
Do you wish to enable SQL Server to start on boot? [y/n]: n

You can use sqlservr-setup --enable-service to enable SQL Server to start
at boot.

Setup completed successfully.

Verify that the service is running:

systemctl status mssql-server

Stop SQL Server on both nodes.  The cluster software will later be responsible for starting it up:

systemctl stop mssql-server
systemctl stop mssql-server-telemetry

Install and Configure the Cluster

At this point, we are ready to install and configure our cluster.  SIOS Protection Suite for Linux (aka SPS-Linux) will be used in this guide as the clustering technology.  It provides both high availability failover clustering features (LifeKeeper) as well as real-time, block level data replication (DataKeeper) in a single, integrated solution.  SPS-Linux enables you to deploy a “SANLess” cluster, aka a “shared nothing” cluster meaning that cluster nodes don’t have any shared storage, as is the case with Azure VMs.

Install SIOS Protection Suite for Linux

Perform the following steps on ALL 3 VMs (sql-linux1, sql-linux2, sql-witness):

Download the SPS-Linux installation image file (sps.img) and and obtain either a trial license or purchase permanent licenses.  Contact SIOS for more information.

You will loopback mount it and run the “setup” script inside, as root (or first “sudo su -” to obtain a root shell if you haven’t already)

For example:

# mkdir /tmp/install
# mount -o loop sps.img /tmp/install
# cd /tmp/install
# ./setup

During the installation script, you’ll be prompted to answer a number of questions.  You will hit Enter on almost every screen to accept the default values.  Note the following exceptions:

  • On the screen titled “High Availability NFS” you may select “n” as we will not be creating a highly available NFS server
  • Towards the end of the setup script, you can choose to install a trial license key now, or later. We will install the license key later, so you can safely select “n” at this point
  • In the final screen of the “setup” select the ARKs (Application Recovery Kits, i.e. “cluster agents”) you wish to install from the list displayed on the screen.
    • The ARKs are ONLY required on “sql-linux1” and “sql-linux2”.  You do not need to install on “sql-witness”
    • Navigate the list with the up/down arrows, and press SPACEBAR to select the following:
      • lkDR – DataKeeper for Linux
    • This will result in the following additional RPMs installed on “sql-linux1” and “sql-linux2”:
      • steeleye-lkDR-9.0.2-6513.noarch.rpm

Install Witness/Quorum package

The Quorum/Witness Server Support Package for LifeKeeper (steeleye-lkQWK) combined with the existing failover process of the LifeKeeper core allows system failover to occur with a greater degree of confidence in situations where total network failure could be common. This effectively means that failovers can be done while greatly reducing the risk of “split-brain” situations.

Install the Witness/Quorum rpm on all 3 nodes (sql-linux1, sql-linux2, sql-witness):

# cd /tmp/install/quorumrpm -Uvh steeleye-lkQWK-9.0.2-6513.noarch.rpm

On ALL 3 nodes (sql-linux1, sql-linux2, sql-witness), edit /etc/default/LifeKeeper, set


On ONLY the Witness server (“sql-witness”), edit /etc/default/LifeKeeper, set


Install a License key

On all 3 nodes, use the “lkkeyins” command to install the license file that you obtained from SIOS:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkkeyins <path_to_file>/<filename>.lic

Start LifeKeeper

On all 3 nodes, use the “lkstart” command to start the cluster software:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkstart

Set User Permissions for LifeKeeper GUI

On all 3 nodes, edit /etc/group and add the “tony” user (or whatever username you specified during VM creation) to the “lkadmin” group to grant access to the LifeKeeper GUI.  By default only “root” is a member of the group, and we don’t have the root password in :

# vi /etc/group


Open the LifeKeeper GUI

Make a VNC connection to the Public IP address of sql-linux1.  Based on the VNC and Inbound Security Rule configuration from above, you would connect to <Public_IP>:2 using the VNC password you specified earlier.  Once logged in, open a terminal window and run the LifeKeeper GUI using the following command:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkGUIapp &

You will be prompted to connect to your first cluster node (“sql-linux1”).  Enter the linux userid and password specified during VM creation:


Next, connect to both “sql-linux2” and “sql-witness” by clicking the “Connect to Server” button highlighted in the following screenshot:


You should now see all 3 servers in the GUI, with a green checkmark icon indicating they are online and healthy:


Create Communication Paths

Right-click on “sql-linux1” and select Create Comm Path


Select BOTH “sql-linux2” and “sql-witness” and then follow the wizard.  This will create comm paths between:

  • sql-linux1 & sql-linux2
  • sql-linux1 & sql-witness


A comm path still needs to be created between sql-linux2 & sql-witness.   Right click on “sql-linux2” and select Create Comm Path.  Follow the wizard and select “sql-witness” as the remote server:


At this point the following comm paths have been created:

  • sql-linux1 <—> sql-linux2
  • sql-linux1 <—> sql-witness
  • sql-linux2 <—> sql-witness

The icons in front of the servers have changed from a green “checkmark” to a yellow “hazard sign”.  This is because we only have a single communication path between nodes.

If the VMs had multiple NICs (information on creating Azure VMs with multiple NICs can be found here, but won’t be covered in this article), you would create redundant comm paths between each server.


To remove the warning icons, go to the View menu and de-select “Comm Path Redundancy Warning”:




Verify Communication Paths

Use the “lcdstatus” command to view the state of cluster resources.  Run the following commands to verify that you have correctly created comm paths on each node to the other two servers involved:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lcdstatus -q -d sql-linux1


sql-linux2    TCP  ALIVE        1

sql-witness  TCP  ALIVE        1

/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lcdstatus -q -d sql-linux2


sql-linux1    TCP  ALIVE        1

sql-witness  TCP  ALIVE        1

/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lcdstatus -q -d sql-witness


sql-linux1    TCP  ALIVE        1

sql-linux2    TCP  ALIVE        1

Create a Data Replication cluster resource (i.e. Mirror)

Before you proceed with this step, make sure that /var/opt/mssql is MOUNTED on sql-linux1, but NOT MOUNTED on sql-linux2.  Run “umount /var/opt/mssql” on sql-linux2 if needed.

Next, create a Data Replication resource to replicate the /var/opt/mssql partition from sql-linux1 (source) to sql-linux2 (target).  Click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:

data replication1

Follow the wizard with these selections:

Please Select Recovery Kit:  Data Replication
Switchback Type: intelligent
Server: sql-linux1
Hierarchy Type: Replicate Exiting Filesystem
Existing Mount Point: /var/opt/mssql
Data Replication Resource Tag: datarep-mssql
File System Resource Tab: /var/opt/mssql
Bitmap File: (default value)
Enable Asynchronous Replication:  No

After the resource has been created, the “Extend” (i.e. define backup server) wizard will appear.  Use the following selections:

Target Server: sql-linux2
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10
Mount Point: /var/opt/mssql
Root Tag: /var/opt/mssql
Target Disk: /dev/sdc1
Data Replication Resource Tag: datarep-mssql
Bitmap File: (default value)
Replication Path:

The cluster will look like this:


Create Virtual IP

Next, create a Virtual IP cluster resource.  Click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:

virtual ip1

Follow the wizard with to create the IP resource with these selections:

Select Recovery Kit: IP
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Server: sql-linux1
IP Resource:
Network Interface: eth0
IP Resource Tag: ip-

Extend the IP resource with these selections:

Target Server: sql-linux2
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10
IP Resource:
Network Interface: eth0
IP Resource Tag: ip-

Configure a Ping List for the IP resource

By default, SPS-Linux monitors the health of IP resources by performing a broadcast ping.  In many virtual and cloud environments, broadcast pings don’t work.  In a previous step, we set “NOBCASTPING=1” in /etc/default/LifeKeeper to turn off broadcast ping checks. Instead, we will define a ping list.  This is a list of IP addresses to be pinged during IP health checks for this IP resource.   In this guide, we will add the witness server ( to our ping list.

Right click on the IP resource (ip- and select Properties:


You will see that initially, no ping list is configured for our subnet.   Click “Modify Ping List”:


Enter “” (the IP address of our witness server), click “Add address” and finally click “Save List”:


You will be returned to the IP properties panel, and can verify that has been added to the ping list.  Click OK to close the window:


Write scripts to stop/start/monitor/restart SQL Server

Next, create some simple shell scripts that will be loaded into the cluster to create a “Generic Application” resource, allowing the cluster to start/stop/monitor/restart SQL Server.  These are very basic examples that make calls to “systemctl” to control the SQL Server services.  We will create 4 scripts:

  • Restore Script – aka “start”:
  • Remove Script – aka “stop”:
  • QuickCheck Script – aka “status”:
  • Recover Script – aka “restart”:
# sudo su -

# cd /root

# vi

systemctl start mssql-server
systemctl start mssql-server-telemetry

# vi

systemctl stop mssql-server
systemctl stop mssql-server-telemetry

# vi

systemctl status mssql-server
exit $?

# vi

systemctl restart mssql-server
systemctl restart mssql-server-telemetry

Before loading these scripts into the cluster, make sure they are executable:

# chmod 755 sql-*.sh

Create the SQL Server resource hierarchy (Generic Application)

Next, create a Generic Application cluster resource.  We will load in the scripts created in the previous step.  To create, click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:

Follow the wizard with to create the Generic Application resource with these selections:

Select Recovery Kit: Generic Application
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Server: sql-linux1
Restore Script: /root/
Remove Script: /root/
QuickCheck Script: /root/
Local Recovery Script: /root/
Application Info: <empty>
Bring Resource In Service: Yes
Resource Tag: app-SQLServer

Extend the Generic Application resource with the following selections:

Target Server: sql-linux2
Switchback Type: intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10
Resource Tag: app-SQLServer
Application Info: <empty>

As a result, your cluster will look as follows:


Create Dependencies between cluster resources

Create a dependency between the IP resource, SQL Server resource, and replicated filesystem resource so that they failover together as a group.  Right click on the “app-SQLServer” resource and select “Create Dependency”.


You will do this two times.  First selecting “ip-” as the child resource, and and second time selecting “/var/opt/mssql” as the child resource.  After dependency creation your resource hierarchy should look like this:


Create an Internal Load Balancer

If this was a typical on-premises cluster using either physical or virtual servers, you’d be done at this point.  Clients and Applications would connect into the Virtual IP of the cluster ( to reach the active node.  In Azure, this doesn’t work without some additional configuration.

You will notice that you can’t connect to the Virtual IP from any server other than the node that is currently active.  Most cloud providers, including Azure, do not allow or support gratuitous ARPs which is the reason you can’t connect to the Virtual IP directly.

To workaround this, Azure provides a feature were you can setup an Internal Load Balancer (ILB).  Essentially, when you connect to the IP address of the ILB (which we will actually set to be the same as the cluster’s Virtual IP – you are routed to the currently active cluster node.

Create a Load Balancer:

internal load balancer1

Give it a name, select “Internal” as the scheme, make sure your virtual network and subnet are properly selected, and assign a static IP that is the same as the cluster’s Virtual IP address.  In this example it’s


Next, add a backend pool behind the load balancer.  This how you place the two cluster VMs behind this load balancer


Next, configure a probe for your ILB.  The probe checks the health of a service behind the ILB to determine which node to route traffic to.  Here we will specify port 1433, which is the default for SQL Server:


Finally, complete the ILB configuration by creating a Load Balancing Rule.   TCP, Port 1433, and make sure you select “Enabled” for “Floating IP (direct server return)”:


Test Cluster Connectivity

At this point, all of our Azure and Cluster configurations are complete!

Cluster resources are currently active on sql-linux1:


SSH into the witness server (sql-witness), “sudo su -” to gain root access.   Install sqlcmd if needed:

Test SQL connectivity to the cluster:

[root@sql-witness ~]# sqlcmd -S -U SA -p

Execute the following SQL query to display the hostname of the active cluster node:

1> select @@servername;
2> go


(1 rows affected)

Using LifeKeeper GUI, failover from sql-linux1 -> sql-linux2″.  Right click on the “app-SQLServer” resource underneath sql-linux2, and select “In Service…”:


After failover:


After failover has completed, re-run the SQL query, verifying that now “sql-linux2” is active:

[root@sql-witness ~]# sqlcmd -S -U SA -p

Execute the following SQL query to display the hostname of the active cluster node:

1> select @@servername;
2> go


(1 rows affected)
 Posted by at 10:14 am
Mar 212016

In this step by step guide I will take you through all steps required to configure a highly available, 2-node MySQL cluster (plus witness server) in Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).  The guide includes both screenshots, shell commands and code snippets as appropriate.  I assume that you are somewhat familiar with Amazon EC2 and already have an account.  If not, you can sign up today.  I’m also going to assume that you have basic linux system administration skills as well as understand basic failover clustering concepts like Virtual IPs, etc.

Disclaimer: The cloud is rapidly moving target. As such, features/screens/buttons are bound to change over time so your experience may vary slightly from what you’ll see below.  While this guide will show you how to make a MySQL database highly available, you could certainly adapt this information and process to protect other applications or databases, like SAP, Oracle, PostgreSQL, NFS file servers, and more.

These are the high level steps to create a highly available MySQL database within Amazon EC2:

  1. Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  2. Create an Internet Gateway
  3. Create Subnets (Availability Zones)
  4. Configure Route Tables
  5. Configure Security Group
  6. Launch Instances
  7. Create Elastic IP
  8. Create Route Entry for the Virtual IP
  9. Disable Source/Dest Checking for ENI’s
  10. Obtain Access Key ID and Secret Access Key
  11. Linux OS Configuration
  12. Install EC2 API Tools
  13. Install and Configure MySQL
  14. Install and Configure Cluster
  15. Test Cluster Connectivity


This article will describe how to create a cluster within a single Amazon EC2 region.  The cluster nodes (node1, node2 and the witness server) will reside different Availability Zones for maximum availability.  This also means that the nodes will reside in different subnets.

The configuration will look like this:


The following IP addresses will be used:

  • node1:
  • node2:
  • witness:
  • virtual/”floating” IP:

Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

First, create a Virtual Private Cloud (aka VPC). A VPC is an isolated network within the Amazon cloud that is dedicated to you.  You have full control over things like IP address blocks and subnets, route tables, security groups (i.e. firewalls), and more.  You will be launching your Azure Iaas virtual machines (VMs) into your Virtual Network.

From the main AWS dashboard, select “VPC”


Under “Your VPCs”, make sure you have selected the proper region at the top right of the screen.  In this guide the “US West (Oregon)” region will be used, because it is a region that has 3 Availability Zones.   For more information on Regions and Availability Zones, click here


Give the VPC a name, and specify the IP block you wish to use. will be used in this guide:


You should now see the newly created VPC on the “Your VPCs” screen:



Create an Internet Gateway

Next, create an Internet Gateway.  This is required if you want your Instances (VMs) to be able to communicate with the internet.

On the left menu, select Internet Gateways and click the Create Internet Gateway button.  Give it a name, and create:



Next, attach the internet gateway to your VPC:


Select your VPC, and click Attach:


Create Subnets (Availability Zones)

Next, create 3 subnets.  Each subnet will reside in it’s own Availability Zone.  The 3 Instances (VMs: node1, node2, witness) will be launched into separate subnets (and therefore Availability Zones) so that the failure of an Availability Zone won’t take out multiple nodes of the cluster.

The US West (Oregon) region, aka us-west-2, has 3 availability zones (us-west-2a, us-west-2b, us-west-2c).  Create 3 subnets, one in each of the 3 availability zones.

Under VPC Dashboard, navigate to Subnets, and then Create Subnet:


Give the first subnet a name (“Subnet1)”, select the availability zone us-west-2a, and define the network block (


Repeat to create the second subnet availability zone us-west-2b:


Repeat to create the third subnet in availability zone us-west-2c:


Once complete, verify that the 3 subnets have been created, each with a different CIDR block, and in separate Availability Zones, as seen below:


Configure Route Tables

Update the VPC’s route table so that traffic to the outside world is send to the Internet Gateway created in a previous step.  From the VPC Dashboard, select Route Tables.   Go to the Routes tab, and by default only one route will exist which allows traffic only within the VPC.

Click Edit:



Add another route:


The Destination of the new route will be “” (the internet) and for Target, select your Internet Gateway.  Then click Save:



Next, associate the 3 subnets with the Route Table.   Click the “Subnet Associations” tab, and Edit:


Check the boxes next to all 3 subnets, and Save:


Verify that the 3 subnets are associated with the main route table:



Later, we will come back and update the Route Table once more, defining a route that will allow traffic to communicate with the cluster’s Virtual IP, but this needs to be done AFTER the linux Instances (VMs) have been created.

Configure Security Group

Edit the Security Group (a virtual firewall) to allow incoming SSH and VNC traffic.  Both will later be used to configure the linux instances as well as installation/configuration of the cluster software.

On the left menu, select “Security Groups” and then click the “Inbound Rules” tab.  Click Edit:



Add rules for both SSH (port 22) and VNC.  VNC generally uses ports in the 5900, depending on how you configure it, so for the purposes of this guide, we will open the 5900-5910 port range.  Configure accordingly based on your VNC setup:



Launch Instances

We will be provisioning 3 Instances (Virtual Machines) in this guide.  The first two VMs (called “node1” and “node2”) will function as cluster nodes with the ability to bring the MySQL database and it’s associated resources online.  The 3rd VM will act as the cluster’s witness server for added protection against split-brain.

To ensure maximum availability, all 3 VMs will be deployed into different Availability Zones within a single region.  This means each instance will reside in a different subnet.

Go to the main AWS dashboard, and select EC2:


Create “node1”

Create your first instance (“node1”).  Click Launch Instance:


Select your linux distribution.  The cluster software used later supports RHEL, SLES, CentOS and Oracle Linux.  In this guide we will be using RHEL 7.X:


Size your instance accordingly.  For the purposes of this guide and to minimize cost, t2.micro size was used because it’s free tier eligible.  See here for more information on instance sizes and pricing.


Next, configure instance details.  IMPORTANT: make sure to launch this first instance (VM) into “Subnet1“, and define an IP address valid for the subnet ( – below is selected because it’s the first free IP in the subnet.  NOTE: .1/.2/.3 in any given subnet in AWS is reserved and can’t be used.


Next, add an extra disk to the cluster nodes (this will be done on both “node1” and “node2”).  This disk will store our MySQL databases and the later be replicated between nodes.

Note: You do NOT need to add an extra disk to the “witness” node.  Only “node1” and “node2”.

Add New Volume, and enter in the desired size:



Define a Tag for the instance, Node1:


Associate the instance with the existing security group, so the firewall rules created previous will be active:


Click Launch:


IMPORTANT:  If this is the first instance in your AWS environment, you’ll need to create a new key pair.  The private key file will need to be stored in a safe location as it will be required when you SSH into the linux instances


Create “node2”

Repeat the steps above to create your second linux instance (node2).  Configure it exactly like Node1.  However, make sure that you deploy it into “Subnet2” (us-west-2b availability zone).  The IP range for Subnet2 is, so an IP of is used here:


Make sure to add a 2nd disk to Node2 as well.  It should be the same exact size as the disk you added to Node1:


Give the second instance a tag…. “Node2”:


Create “witness”

Repeat the steps above to create your third linux instance (witness).  Configure it exactly like Node1&Node2, EXCEPT you DON’T need to add a 2nd disk, since this instance will only act as a witness to the cluster, and won’t ever bring MySQL online.

Make sure that you deploy it into “Subnet3” (us-west-2c availability zone).  The IP range for Subnet2 is, so an IP of is used here:


Note: default disk configuration is fine for the witness node.  A 2nd disk is NOT required:


Tag the witness node:


It may take a little while for your 3 instances to provision.  Once complete, you’ll see then listed as running in your EC2 console:


Create Elastic IP

Next, create an Elastic IP, which is a public IP address that will be used to connect into you instance from the outside world.  Select Elastic IPs in the left menu, and then click “Allocate New Address”:


Select the newly created Elastic IP, right-click, and select “Associate Address”:


Associate this Elastic IP with Node1:


Repeat this for the other two instances if you want them to have internet access or be able to SSH/VNC into them directly.

Create Route Entry for the Virtual IP

At this point all 3 instances have been created, and the route table will need to be updated one more time in order for the cluster’s Virtual IP to work.  In this multi-subnet cluster configuration, the Virtual IP needs to live outside the range of the CIDR allocated to your VPC.

Define a new route that will direct traffic to the cluster’s Virtual IP ( to the primary cluster node (Node1)

From the VPC Dashboard, select Route Tables, click Edit.  Add a route for “” with a destination of Node1:


Disable Source/Dest Checking for ENI’s

Next, disable Source/Dest Checking for the Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI) of your cluster nodes. This is required in order for the instances to accept network packets for the virtual IP address of the cluster.

Do this for all ENIs.

Select “Network Interfaces”, right-click on an ENI, and select “Change Source/Dest Check”.


Select “Disabled“:


Obtain Access Key ID and Secret Access Key

Later in the guide, the cluster software will use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to manipulate a route table entry for the cluster’s Virtual IP to redirect traffic to the active cluster node.  In order for this to work, you will need to obtain an Access Key ID and Secret Access Key so that the AWS CLI can authenticate properly.

In the top-right of the EC2 Dashboard, click on your name, and underneath select “Security Credentials” from the drop-down:



Expand the “Access Keys (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key)” section of the table, and click “Create New Access Key”.  Download Key File and store the file in a safe location.


Linux OS Configuration

Connect to the linux instance(s):

To connect to your newly created linux instances (via SSH), right click on the instance and select “Connect”.  This will display the instructions for connecting to the instance.  You will need the Private Key File you created/downloaded in a previous step:




Here is where we will leave the EC2 Dashboard for a little while and get our hands dirty on the command line, which as a Linux administrator you should be used to by now.

You aren’t given the root password to your Linux VMs in AWS (or the default “ec2-user” account either), so once you connect, use the “sudo” command to gain root privileges:

$sudo su -

Edit /etc/hosts

Unless you have already have a DNS server setup, you’ll want to create host file entries on all 3 servers so that they can properly resolve each other by name

Add the following lines to the end of your /etc/hosts file:    node1    node2    witness   mysql-vip

Disable SELinux

Edit /etc/sysconfig/linux and set “SELINUX=disabled”:

# vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux

# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
#     mls - Multi Level Security protection.

Set Hostnames

By default, these Linux instances will have a hostname that is based upon the server’s IP address, something like “”

You might notice that if you attempt to modify the hostname the “normal” way (i.e. editing /etc/sysconfig/network, etc), after each reboot, it reverts back to the original!!  I found a great thread in the AWS discussion forums that describes how to actually get hostnames to remain static after reboots.

Details here:

Comment out modules that set hostname in “/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg” file. The following modules can be commented out using #.

# - set_hostname
# - update_hostname

Next, also change your hostname in /etc/hostname.

Reboot Cluster Nodes

Reboot all 3 instances so that SELinux is disabled, and the hostname changes take effect.

Install and Configure VNC (and related packages)

In order to access the GUI of our linux servers, and to later install and configure our cluster, install VNC server, as well as a handful of other required packages (cluster software needs the redhat-lsb and patch rpms).

# yum groupinstall “X Window System”
# yum groupinstall “Server with GUI”
# yum install tigervnc-server xterm wget unzip patch redhat-lsb
# vncpasswd

For RHEL 7.x/CentOS7.x:

The following URL is a great guide to getting VNC Server running on RHEL 7 / CentOS 7:

Note:  This example configuration runs VNC on display 2 (:2, aka port 5902) and as root (not secure).  Adjust accordingly!

# cp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:2.service
# vi /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:2.service

# Clean any existing files in /tmp/.X11-unix environment
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/vncserver -kill %i > /dev/null 2>&1 || :'
ExecStart=/sbin/runuser -l root -c "/usr/bin/vncserver %i -geometry 1024x768"
ExecStop=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/vncserver -kill %i > /dev/null 2>&1 || :'

# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl enable vncserver@:2.service
# vncserver :2 -geometry 1024x768

For RHEL/CentOS 6.x systems:

# vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers

      VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 1024x768"

# service vncserver start
# chkconfig vncserver on

Open a VNC client, and connect to the <ElasticIP:2>.  If you can’t get it, it’s likely your linux firewall is in the way.  Either open the VNC port we are using here (port 5902), or for now, disable the firewall (NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS):

# systemctl stop firewalld
# systemctl disable firewalld


Partition and Format the “data” disk

When the linux instances were launched, and extra disk was added to each cluster node to store the application data we will be protecting.  In this case it happens to be MySQL databases.

The second disk should appear as /dev/xvdb.  You can run the “fdisk -l” command to verify.  You’ll see that /dev/xvda (OS) is already being used.

# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/xvda: 10.7 GB, 10737418240 bytes, 20971520 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk label type: gpt

#         Start          End    Size  Type            Name
1         2048         4095      1M  BIOS boot parti
2         4096     20971486     10G  Microsoft basic
Disk /dev/xvdb: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes, 4194304 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


Here I will create a partition (/dev/xvdb1), format it, and mount it at the default location for MySQL, which is /var/lib/mysql.  Perform the following steps on BOTH “node1” and “node2”:

# fdisk /dev/xvdb
Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.23.2).

Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
Be careful before using the write command.

Device does not contain a recognized partition table
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x8c16903a.

Command (m for help): n
Partition type:
   p   primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
   e   extended
Select (default p): p
Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1
First sector (2048-4194303, default 2048): <enter>
Using default value 2048
Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-4194303, default 4194303): <enter>
Using default value 4194303
Partition 1 of type Linux and of size 2 GiB is set

Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdb1
# mkdir /var/lib/mysql

On node1, mount the filesystem:

# mount /dev/xvdb1 /var/lib/mysql

Install EC2 API Tools

The EC2 API Tools (EC2 CLI) must be installed on each of the cluster nodes, so that the cluster software can later manipulate Route Tables, enabling connectivity to the Virtual IP.

The following URL is an excellent guide to setting this up.:

Here are the key steps:

Download, unzip, and move the CLI tools to the standard location (/opt/aws):

# wget
# unzip
# mv ec2-api-tools- /opt/aws/
# export EC2_HOME="/opt/aws"

If java isn’t already installed (run “which java” to check), install it:

# yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk

example (Based on default config of RHEL 7.2 system.  Adjust accordingly)

# export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-"

You’ll need your AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key.  Keep these values handy, because they will be needed later during cluster setup too! Refer to the following URL for more information:

# export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=your-aws-access-key-id
# export AWS_SECRET_KEY=your-aws-secret-key

Test CLI utility functionality:

# /opt/aws/bin/ec2-describe-regions

REGION           eu-west-1
REGION           ap-southeast-1 
REGION           ap-southeast-2 
REGION           eu-central-1
REGION           ap-northeast-2  
REGION           ap-northeast-1  
REGION           us-east-1
REGION           sa-east-1
REGION           us-west-1
REGION           us-west-2


Install and Configure MySQL

Next, install install the MySQL packages, initialize a sample database, and set “root” password for MySQL.  In RHEL7.X, the MySQL packages have been replaced with the MariaDB packages.

On “node1”:

# yum install mariadb mariadb-server
# mount /dev/xvdb1 /var/lib/mysql
# /usr/bin/mysql_install_db --datadir="/var/lib/mysql/" --user=mysql
# mysqld_safe --user=root --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --port=3306 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --log &
# # NOTE: This next command allows remote connections from ANY host.  NOT a good idea for production!
# echo “update user set Host='%' where Host='node1'; flush privileges | mysql mysql
# #Set MySQL's root password to 'SIOS'
# echo "update user set Password=PASSWORD('SIOS') where User='root'; flush privileges" | mysql mysql

Create a MySQL configuration file. We will place this on the data disk  (that will later be replicated – /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf).  Example:

# vi /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf

# Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks

Move the original MySQL configuration file aside, if it exists:

# mv /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.orig

On “node2”:

On “node2”, you ONLY need to install the MariaDB/MySQL packages.  The other steps aren’t required:

[root@node2 ~]# yum install mariadb mariadb-server

Install and Configure the Cluster

At this point, we are ready to install and configure our cluster.  SIOS Protection Suite for Linux (aka SPS-Linux) will be used in this guide as the clustering technology.  It provides both high availability failover clustering features (LifeKeeper) as well as real-time, block level data replication (DataKeeper) in a single, integrated solution.  SPS-Linux enables you to deploy a “SANLess” cluster, aka a “shared nothing” cluster meaning that cluster nodes don’t have any shared storage, as is the case with EC2 Instances.

Install SIOS Protection Suite for Linux

Perform the following steps on ALL 3 VMs (node1, node2, witness):

Download the SPS-Linux installation image file (sps.img) and and obtain either a trial license or purchase permanent licenses.  Contact SIOS for more information.

You will loopback mount it and run the “setup” script inside, as root (or first “sudo su -” to obtain a root shell)

For example:

# mkdir /tmp/install
# mount -o loop sps.img /tmp/install
# cd /tmp/install
# ./setup

During the installation script, you’ll be prompted to answer a number of questions.  You will hit Enter on almost every screen to accept the default values.  Note the following exceptions:

  • On the screen titled “High Availability NFS” you may select “n” as we will not be creating a highly available NFS server
  • Towards the end of the setup script, you can choose to install a trial license key now, or later. We will install the license key later, so you can safely select “n” at this point
  • In the final screen of the “setup” select the ARKs (Application Recovery Kits, i.e. “cluster agents”) you wish to install from the list displayed on the screen.
    • The ARKs are ONLY required on “node1” and “node2”.  You do not need to install on “witness”
    • Navigate the list with the up/down arrows, and press SPACEBAR to select the following:
      • lkDR – DataKeeper for Linux
      • lkSQL – LifeKeeper MySQL RDBMS Recovery Kit
    • This will result in the following additional RPMs installed on “node1” and “node2”:
      • steeleye-lkDR-9.0.2-6513.noarch.rpm
      • steeleye-lkSQL-9.0.2-6513.noarch.rpm

Install Witness/Quorum package

The Quorum/Witness Server Support Package for LifeKeeper (steeleye-lkQWK) combined with the existing failover process of the LifeKeeper core allows system failover to occur with a greater degree of confidence in situations where total network failure could be common. This effectively means that failovers can be done while greatly reducing the risk of “split-brain” situations.

Install the Witness/Quorum rpm on all 3 nodes (node1, node2, witness):

# cd /tmp/install/quorumrpm -Uvh steeleye-lkQWK-9.0.2-6513.noarch.rpm

On ALL 3 nodes (node1, node2, witness), edit /etc/default/LifeKeeper, set


On ONLY the Witness server (“witness”), edit /etc/default/LifeKeeper, set


Install the EC2 Recovery Kit Package

SPS-Linux provides specific features that allow resources to failover between nodes in different availability zones and regions. Here, the EC2 Recovery Kit (i.e. cluster agent) is used to manipulate Route Tables so that connections to the Virtual IP are routed to the active cluster node.

Install the EC2 rpm (node1, node2):

# cd /tmp/install/amazonrpm -Uvh steeleye-lkECC-9.0.2-6513.noarch.rpm

Install a License key

On all 3 nodes, use the “lkkeyins” command to install the license file that you obtained from SIOS:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkkeyins <path_to_file>/<filename>.lic

Start LifeKeeper

On all 3 nodes, use the “lkstart” command to start the cluster software:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkstart

Set User Permissions for LifeKeeper GUI

On all 3 nodes, create a new linux user account (i.e. “tony” in this example).  Edit /etc/group and add the “tony” user to the “lkadmin” group to grant access to the LifeKeeper GUI.  By default only “root” is a member of the group, and we don’t have the root password here:

# useradd tony
# passwd tony
# vi /etc/group


Open the LifeKeeper GUI

Make a VNC connection to the Elastic IP (Public IP) address of node1.  Based on the VNC  configuration from above, you would connect to <Public_IP>:2 using the VNC password you specified earlier.  Once logged in, open a terminal window and run the LifeKeeper GUI using the following command:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkGUIapp &

You will be prompted to connect to your first cluster node (“node1”).  Enter the linux userid and password specified during VM creation:


Next, connect to both “node2” and “witness” by clicking the “Connect to Server” button highlighted in the following screenshot:


You should now see all 3 servers in the GUI, with a green checkmark icon indicating they are online and healthy:


Create Communication Paths

Right-click on “node1” and select Create Comm Path

comm path1

Select BOTH “node2” and “witness” and then follow the wizard.  This will create comm paths between:

  • node1 & node2
  • node1 & witness

comm path2

A comm path still needs to be created between node2 & witness.   Right click on “node2” and select Create Comm Path.  Follow the wizard and select “witness” as the remote server:

comm path3

At this point the following comm paths have been created:

  • node1 <—> node2
  • node1 <—> witness
  • node2 <—> witness

The icons in front of the servers have changed from a green “checkmark” to a yellow “hazard sign”.  This is because we only have a single communication path between nodes.

If the VMs had multiple NICs (information on creating Azure VMs with multiple NICs can be found here, but won’t be covered in this article), you would create redundant comm paths between each server.

comm path4

To remove the warning icons, go to the View menu and de-select “Comm Path Redundancy Warning”:

comm path5


comm path6

Verify Communication Paths

Use the “lcdstatus” command to view the state of cluster resources.  Run the following commands to verify that you have correctly created comm paths on each node to the other two servers involved:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lcdstatus -q -d node1


node2    TCP  ALIVE        1

witness  TCP  ALIVE        1

#/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lcdstatus -q -d node2


node1    TCP  ALIVE        1

witness  TCP  ALIVE        1

#/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lcdstatus -q -d witness


node1    TCP  ALIVE        1

node2    TCP  ALIVE        1

Create a Data Replication cluster resource (i.e. Mirror)

Next, create a Data Replication resource to replicate the /var/lib/mysql partition from node1 (source) to node2 (target).  Click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:

data replication1

Follow the wizard with these selections:

Please Select Recovery Kit:  Data Replication
Switchback Type: intelligent
Server: node1
Hierarchy Type: Replicate Exiting Filesystem
Existing Mount Point: /var/lib/mysql
Data Replication Resource Tag: datarep-mysql
File System Resource Tab: /var/lib/mysql
Bitmap File: (default value)
Enable Asynchronous Replication:  No

After the resource has been created, the “Extend” (i.e. define backup server) wizard will appear.  Use the following selections:

Target Server: node2
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10
Target Disk: /dev/xvdb1
Data Replication Resource Tag: datarep-mysql
Bitmap File: (default value)
Replication Path:
Mount Point: /var/lib/mysql
Root Tag: /var/lib/mysql

The cluster will look like this:

data replication2

Create Virtual IP

Next, create a Virtual IP cluster resource.  Click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:

virtual ip1

Follow the wizard with to create the IP resource with these selections:

Select Recovery Kit: IP
Switchback Type: Intelligent
IP Resource:
Network Interface: eth0
IP Resource Tag: ip-

Extend the IP resource with these selections:

Switchback Type: Intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10
IP Resource:
Network Interface: eth0
IP Resource Tag: ip-

The cluster will now look like this, with both Mirror and IP resources created:


Configure a Ping List for the IP resource

By default, SPS-Linux monitors the health of IP resources by performing a broadcast ping.  In many virtual and cloud environments, broadcast pings don’t work.  In a previous step, we set “NOBCASTPING=1” in /etc/default/LifeKeeper to turn off broadcast ping checks. Instead, we will define a ping list.  This is a list of IP addresses to be pinged during IP health checks for this IP resource.   In this guide, we will add the witness server ( to our ping list.

Right click on the IP resource (ip- and select Properties:


You will see that initially, no ping list is configured for our subnet.   Click “Modify Ping List”:


Enter “” (the IP address of our witness server), click “Add address” and finally click “Save List”:


You will be returned to the IP properties panel, and can verify that has been added to the ping list.  Click OK to close the window:


Create the MySQL resource hierarchy

Next, create a MySQL cluster resource.  The MySQL resource is responsible for stopping/starting/monitoring of your MySQL database.

Before creating MySQL resource, make sure the database is running.  Run “ps -ef | grep sql” to check.

If it’s running, great – nothing to do.  If not, start the database back up:

# mysqld_safe --user=root --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --port=3306 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --log &

To create, click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:

Follow the wizard with to create the IP resource with these selections:

Select Recovery Kit: MySQL Database
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Server: node1
Location of my.cnf: /var/lib/mysql
Location of MySQL executables: /usr/bin
Database Tag: mysql

Extend the IP resource with the following selections:

Target Server: node2
Switchback Type: intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10

As a result, your cluster will look as follows.  Notice that the Data Replication resource was automatically moved underneath the database (dependency automatically created) to ensure it’s always brought online before the database:


Create an EC2 resource to manage the route tables upon failover

SPS-Linux provides specific features that allow resources to failover between nodes in different availability zones and regions. Here, the EC2 Recovery Kit (i.e. cluster agent) is used to manipulate Route Tables so that connections to the Virtual IP are routed to the active cluster node.

To create, click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:

Follow the wizard with to create the EC2 resource with these selections:

Select Recovery Kit: Amazon EC2
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Server: node1
EC2 Home: /opt/aws
AWS Access Key: (enter Access Key obtained earlier)
AWS Secret Key: (enter Secret Key obtained earlier)
EC2 Resource Type: RouteTable (Backend cluster)
IP Resource: ip-
EC2 Resource Tag: ec2-

Extend the IP resource with the following selections:

Target Server: node2
Switchback Type: intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10
EC2 Resource Tag: ec2-

The cluster will look like this.  Notice how the EC2 resource is underneath the IP resource:


Create a Dependency between the IP resource and the MySQL Database resource

Create a dependency between the IP resource and the MySQL Database resource so that they failover together as a group.  Right click on the “mysql” resource and select “Create Dependency”:


On the following screen, select the “ip-” resource as the dependency.  Click Next and continue through the wizard:


At this point the SPS-Linux cluster configuration is complete.  The resource hierarchy will look as follows:


Test Cluster Connectivity

At this point, all of our Amazon EC2 and Cluster configurations are complete!

Cluster resources are currently active on node1:


Test connectivity to the cluster from the witness server (or another linux instance if you have one)  SSH into the witness server, “sudo su -” to gain root access.   Install the mysql client if needed:

[root@witness ~]# yum -y install mysql

Test MySQL connectivity to the cluster:

[root@witness ~]# mysql --host= mysql -u root -p

Execute the following MySQL query to display the hostname of the active cluster node:

MariaDB [mysql]> select @@hostname;
| @@hostname |
| node1      |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [mysql]>

Using LifeKeeper GUI, failover from Node1 -> Node2″.  Right click on the mysql resource underneath node2, and select “In Service…”:



After failover has completed, re-run the MySQL query.  You’ll notice that the MySQL client has detected that the session was lost (during failover) and automatically reconnects:

Execute the following MySQL query to display the hostname of the active cluster node, verifying that now “node2” is active:

MariaDB [mysql]> select @@hostname;
ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away
No connection. Trying to reconnect...
Connection id:    12
Current database: mysql
| @@hostname |
| node2      |
1 row in set (0.53 sec)
MariaDB [mysql]>


Mar 092016

In this step by step guide I will take you through all steps required to configure a highly available, 2-node MySQL cluster (plus witness server) in Microsoft Azure IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).  The guide includes both screenshots, shell commands and code snippets as appropriate.  I assume that you are somewhat familiar with Microsoft Azure and already have an Azure account with an associated subscription.  If not, you can sign up for a free account today.  I’m also going to assume that you have basic linux system administration skills as well as understand basic failover clustering concepts like Virtual IPs, etc.

Disclaimer: Azure is a rapidly moving target.  It’s getting better and better every day!  As such, features/screens/buttons are bound to change over time so your experience may vary slightly from what you’ll see below.  While this guide will show you how to make a MySQL database highly available, you could certainly adapt this information and process to protect other applications or databases, like SAP, Oracle, PostgreSQL, NFS file servers, and more.

These are the high level steps to create a highly available MySQL database within Microsoft Azure IaaS:

  1. Create a Resource Group
  2. Create a Virtual Network
  3. Create a Storage Account
  4. Create Virtual Machines in an Availability Set
  5. Set VM Static IP Addresses
  6. Add a Data Disk to cluster nodes
  7. Create Inbound Security Rule to allow VNC access
  8. Linux OS Configuration
  9. Install and Configure MySQL
  10. Install and Configure Cluster
  11. Create an Internal Load Balancer
  12. Test Cluster Connectivity


This article will describe how to create a cluster within a single Azure region.  The cluster nodes (node1, node2 and the witness server) will reside in an Availability Set (3 different Fault Domains and Update Domains), thanks to the new Azure Resource Manager (ARM). We will be creating all resources using the new Azure Resource Manager.

The configuration will look like this:


The following IP addresses will be used:

  • node1:
  • node2:
  • witness:
  • virtual/”floating” IP:
  • MySQL port: 3306

Create a Resource Group

First, create a Resource Group.  Your resource group will end up containing all of the various objects related to our cluster deployment: virtual machines, virtual network, storage account, etc.  Here we will call our newly created Resource Group “cluster-resources”.

resource group1

Be mindful when selecting your region.  All of your resources will need to reside within the same region.  Here, we’ll be deploying everything into the “West US” region:

resource group2

Create a Virtual Network (VNet)

Next, create a Virtual Network.  A Virtual Network is an isolated network within the Azure cloud that is dedicated to you.  You have full control over things like IP address blocks and subnets, routing, security policies (i.e. firewalls), DNS settings, and more.  You will be launching your Azure Iaas virtual machines (VMs) into your Virtual Network.

virtual network1

Make sure you select Resource Manager as the deployment model anytime you are given the option:

virtual network2

Give your new Virtual Network a name (“virtual-network”) and make sure you select the resource group that was created in the previous step (“cluster-resources”).  Your Virtual Network needs to reside in the same region as your Resource Group.  We will leave the IP Address and Subnet values as default.

virtual network3

Create a Storage Account

Before you provision any Virtual Machines, you’ll need to create a Storage Account where they will be stored.

storage account1

Again, make sure you select Resource Manager as the deployment model anytime you are given the option:

storage account2

Next, give your new storage account a name.  The storage account name must be unique across *ALL* of Azure.  (Every object that you store in Azure Storage has a unique URL address. The storage account name forms the subdomain of that address.)  In this example I call my storage account “linuxclusterstorage” but you’ll need to select something different as you setup your own.

Select a storage Type based on your requirements and budget.  For the purposes of this guide, I selected “Standard-LRS” (i.e. Locally Redundant) to minimize cost.

Make sure your new Storage Account is added to the Resource Group you created in Step 1 (“cluster-resources”)  in the same Location (“West US” in this example):

storage account3

Create Virtual Machines in an Availability Set

We will be provisioning 3 Virtual Machines in this guide.  The first two VMs (I’ll call them “node1” and “node2”) will function as cluster nodes with the ability to bring the MySQL database and it’s associated resources online.  The 3rd VM will act as the cluster’s witness server for added protection against split-brain.

To ensure maximum availability, all 3 VMs will be added to the same Availability Set, ensuring that they will end up in different Fault Domains and Update Domains.

Create “node1” VM

Create your first VM (“node1”).  In this guide we will be using CentOS 6.X:

create vm1

Make sure you use the Resource Manager deployment model.  It should be selected by default:

create vm2

Give the VM a hostname (“node1”) and username/password that will later be used to SSH into the system.  Make sure you add this VM to your Resource Group (“cluster-resources”) and that it resides in the same region as all of your other resources:

create vm3

Next, choose your instance size.  For more information on the various instance sizes available, click here.

For the purposes of this guide, I’m using “A3 Standard” for Node1 and Node2, to minimize cost since this won’t be running a production workload.  I used an even smaller “A1 Standard” size for the witness server.  Select the instance size that makes most sense for you.

create vm4

If you want to be able to connect into the VM from the outside world, set a Public IP address.  I did this so I can later SSH and VNC into the system

create vm5

IMPORTANT: By default, your VM won’t be added to an Availability Set.  On the Settings screen during make sure you create a new Availability Set, we’ll call “cluster-availability-set”.  Azure Resource Manager (ARM) allows your to create Availability Sets with 3 Fault Domains.  The default values here are fine:

create vm6

Review your VM properties and click OK to create your first VM:

create vm7

Create “node2” and “witness” VMs

Repeat the steps above twice to create two more VMs.  I created another “A3 Standard” size VM called “node2” and an “A1 Standard” size VM called “witness”.

The only difference here is that you’ll be ADDING these VMs to the Availability Set (“cluster-availability-set”) we just created:

create vm8

It may take a little while for your 3 VMs to provision.  Once complete, you’ll see your VMs listed on the Virtual Machines screen within your Azure Portal:

create vm9

Set VM Static IP Addresses

The VMs will be set with the following IP addresses:

  • node1:
  • node2:
  • witness:

Repeat this step for each VM.  Select your VM and edit the Network Interfaces


static ip address1

Select the network interface associated with the VM, and edit IP addresses.  Select “Static” and specify the desired IP address:

static ip address2

Add a Data Disk to cluster nodes

Next, we will need to add a extra disk to of our cluster nodes (“node1” and “node2”).  This disk will store our MySQL databases and the later be replicated between nodes.

Note: You do NOT need to add an extra disk to the “witness” node.  Only “node1” and “node2”.

Edit your VM, select Disks and then attach a new disk:

second disk1

Select a disk type (Standard or Premium SSD)  and size based on your workload.  Here I create a 10GB Standard disk on both of my cluster nodes.  As far as Host caching goes, “None” or “Read only” caching is fine.  I do not recommend using “Read/Write” as there is potential for data loss:

second disk2

Create Inbound Security Rule to allow VNC access

If your VM is part of a Network Security Group (NSG), which by default it likely is unless you disabled it during VM creation, the only port open in the “Azure firewall” is SSH (port 22).  Later in the guide, I’ll be using VNC to access the desktop of “node1” and configure the cluster using a GUI.  Create an Inbound Security Rule to open up VNC access.  In this guide port 5902 is used.  Adjust this according based on your VNC configuration.

Virtual Machines -> (select node1) -> Network interfaces -> (select NIC) -> Network security group -> (select the NSG) -> Inbound security rules -> Add

inbound security rule1

Linux OS Configuration

Here is where we will leave the Azure Portal for a little while and get our hands dirty on the command line, which as a Linux administrator you should be used to by now.  You aren’t given the root password to your Linux VMs in Azure, so once you login as the user specified during VM creation, use the “sudo” command to gain root privileges:

$sudo su -

Edit /etc/hosts

Unless you have already have a DNS server setup, you’ll want to create host file entries on all 3 servers so that they can properly resolve each other by name

Add the following lines to the end of your /etc/hosts file:    node1    node2    witness   mysql-vip

Disable SELinux

Edit /etc/sysconfig/linux and set “SELINUX=disabled”:

# vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux

# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
#     mls - Multi Level Security protection.

Configure iptables so that cluster the Virtual IP will work

IMPORTANT: In order to get connectivity to the cluster Virtual IP to work, and also monitoring of the IP resource, a few iptables rules need to be setup.  Note: is the Virtual IP we’ll be using in our cluster, and 3306 is the default port used my MySQL.

On node1 (, run the following commands:

# iptables --flush
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3306 -j DNAT --to-destination
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p icmp -s -j SNAT --to-source
# service iptables save
# chkconfig iptables on

On Node2 (, run the following commands:

# iptables --flush
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 3306 -j DNAT --to-destination
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p icmp -s -j SNAT --to-source
# service iptables save
# chkconfig iptables on

Install and Configure VNC (and related packages)

In order to access the GUI of our linux servers, to later configure our cluster, install VNC server on your cluster node.  In my setup I only did this on “node1”

# yum install tigervnc-server xterm
# vncpasswd
# vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers

      VNCSERVERARGS[2]="-geometry 1024x768"

# service vncserver start
# chkconfig vncserver on

Test connectivity by opening a VNC client on your laptop/desktop, and connecting to the Public IP of your cluster node

Reboot Cluster Nodes

Reboot your cluster nodes so that SELinux is disabled, and the 2nd disk you previously added is detected. Only “node1” and “node2” need to be rebooted.

Partition and Format the “data” disk

In Step 6 of this guide (“Add a Data Disk to cluster nodes”) we did just that….added an extra disk to each cluster node to store the application data we will be protecting.  In this case it happens to be MySQL databases.

In Azure IaaS, Linux Virtual Machines use the following arrangement for disks:

  • /dev/sda – OS disk
  • /dev/sdb – temporary disk
  • /dev/sdc – 1st data disk
  • /dev/sdd – 2nd data disk
  • /dev/sdj – 8th data disk

The disk we added in Step 6 of this guide should appear as /dev/sdc.  You can run the “fdisk -l” command to verify.  You’ll see that /dev/sda (OS) and /dev/sdb (temporary) already have disk partitions and are being used.

# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sdb: 306.0 GB, 306016419840 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 37204 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xd3920649

Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   *           1       37205   298842112   83  Linux

Disk /dev/sdc: 10.7 GB, 10737418240 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1305 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

Disk /dev/sda: 32.2 GB, 32212254720 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 3916 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000c23d3

Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *           1        3789    30432256   83  Linux
/dev/sda2            3789        3917     1024000   82  Linux swap / Solaris


Here I will create a partition (/dev/sdc1), format it, and mount it at the default location for MySQL, which is /var/lib/mysql.  Perform the following steps on BOTH “node1” and “node2”:

# fdisk /dev/sdc
Command (m for help): n
Command action
e   extended
p   primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): 1
First cylinder (1-1305, default 1): <enter>
Using default value 1
Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (1-1305, default 1305): <enter>
Using default value 1305
Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered!
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.
[root@node1 ~]#

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1
# mkdir /var/lib/mysql

On node1, mount the filesystem:

# mount /dev/sdc1 /var/lib/mysql

Install and Configure MySQL

Next, install install the MySQL packages, initialize a sample database, and set “root” password for MySQL.

On “node1”:

# yum -y install mysql mysql-server
# /usr/bin/mysql_install_db --datadir="/var/lib/mysql/" --user=mysql
# mysqld_safe --user=root --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --port=3306 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --log &
# # NOTE: This next command allows remote connections from ANY host.  NOT a good idea for production!
# echo “update user set Host='%' where Host='node1'; flush privileges | mysql mysql
# #Set MySQL's root password to 'SIOS'
# echo "update user set Password=PASSWORD('SIOS') where User='root'; flush privileges" | mysql mysql

Create a MySQL configuration file. We will place this on the data disk  (that will later be replicated – /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf).  Example:

# vi /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf

# Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks

Delete the original MySQL configuration file, located in /etc, if it exists:

# rm /etc/my.cnf

On “node2”:

On “node2”, you ONLY need to install the MySQL packages.  The other steps aren’t required:

[root@node2 ~]# yum -y install mysql mysql-server

Install and Configure the Cluster

At this point, we are ready to install and configure our cluster.  SIOS Protection Suite for Linux (aka SPS-Linux) will be used in this guide as the clustering technology.  It provides both high availability failover clustering features (LifeKeeper) as well as real-time, block level data replication (DataKeeper) in a single, integrated solution.  SPS-Linux enables you to deploy a “SANLess” cluster, aka a “shared nothing” cluster meaning that cluster nodes don’t have any shared storage, as is the case with Azure VMs.

Install SIOS Protection Suite for Linux

Perform the following steps on ALL 3 VMs (node1, node2, witness):

Download the SPS-Linux installation image file (sps.img) and and obtain either a trial license or purchase permanent licenses.  Contact SIOS for more information.

You will loopback mount it and run the “setup” script inside, as root (or first “sudo su -” to obtain a root shell)

For example:

# mkdir /tmp/install
# mount -o loop sps.img /tmp/install
# cd /tmp/install
# ./setup

During the installation script, you’ll be prompted to answer a number of questions.  You will hit Enter on almost every screen to accept the default values.  Note the following exceptions:

  • On the screen titled “High Availability NFS” you may select “n” as we will not be creating a highly available NFS server
  • Towards the end of the setup script, you can choose to install a trial license key now, or later. We will install the license key later, so you can safely select “n” at this point
  • In the final screen of the “setup” select the ARKs (Application Recovery Kits, i.e. “cluster agents”) you wish to install from the list displayed on the screen.
    • The ARKs are ONLY required on “node1” and “node2”.  You do not need to install on “witness”
    • Navigate the list with the up/down arrows, and press SPACEBAR to select the following:
      • lkDR – DataKeeper for Linux
      • lkSQL – LifeKeeper MySQL RDBMS Recovery Kit
    • This will result in the following additional RPMs installed on “node1” and “node2”:
      • steeleye-lkDR-9.0.2-6513.noarch.rpm
      • steeleye-lkSQL-9.0.2-6513.noarch.rpm

Install Witness/Quorum package

The Quorum/Witness Server Support Package for LifeKeeper (steeleye-lkQWK) combined with the existing failover process of the LifeKeeper core allows system failover to occur with a greater degree of confidence in situations where total network failure could be common. This effectively means that failovers can be done while greatly reducing the risk of “split-brain” situations.

Install the Witness/Quorum rpm on all 3 nodes (node1, node2, witness):

# cd /tmp/install/quorumrpm -Uvh steeleye-lkQWK-9.0.2-6513.noarch.rpm

On ALL 3 nodes (node1, node2, witness), edit /etc/default/LifeKeeper, set


On ONLY the Witness server (“witness”), edit /etc/default/LifeKeeper, set


Install a License key

On all 3 nodes, use the “lkkeyins” command to install the license file that you obtained from SIOS:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkkeyins <path_to_file>/<filename>.lic

Start LifeKeeper

On all 3 nodes, use the “lkstart” command to start the cluster software:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkstart

Set User Permissions for LifeKeeper GUI

On all 3 nodes, edit /etc/group and add the “tony” user (or whatever username you specified during VM creation) to the “lkadmin” group to grant access to the LifeKeeper GUI.  By default only “root” is a member of the group, and we don’t have the root password in :

# vi /etc/group


Open the LifeKeeper GUI

Make a VNC connection to the Public IP address of node1.  Based on the VNC and Inbound Security Rule configuration from above, you would connect to <Public_IP>:2 using the VNC password you specified earlier.  Once logged in, open a terminal window and run the LifeKeeper GUI using the following command:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkGUIapp &

You will be prompted to connect to your first cluster node (“node1”).  Enter the linux userid and password specified during VM creation:


Next, connect to both “node2” and “witness” by clicking the “Connect to Server” button highlighted in the following screenshot:


You should now see all 3 servers in the GUI, with a green checkmark icon indicating they are online and healthy:


Create Communication Paths

Right-click on “node1” and select Create Comm Path

comm path1

Select BOTH “node2” and “witness” and then follow the wizard.  This will create comm paths between:

  • node1 & node2
  • node1 & witness

comm path2

A comm path still needs to be created between node2 & witness.   Right click on “node2” and select Create Comm Path.  Follow the wizard and select “witness” as the remote server:

comm path3

At this point the following comm paths have been created:

  • node1 <—> node2
  • node1 <—> witness
  • node2 <—> witness

The icons in front of the servers have changed from a green “checkmark” to a yellow “hazard sign”.  This is because we only have a single communication path between nodes.

If the VMs had multiple NICs (information on creating Azure VMs with multiple NICs can be found here, but won’t be covered in this article), you would create redundant comm paths between each server.

comm path4

To remove the warning icons, go to the View menu and de-select “Comm Path Redundancy Warning”:

comm path5


comm path6

Verify Communication Paths

Use the “lcdstatus” command to view the state of cluster resources.  Run the following commands to verify that you have correctly created comm paths on each node to the other two servers involved:

# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lcdstatus -q -d node1


node2    TCP  ALIVE        1

witness  TCP  ALIVE        1

#/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lcdstatus -q -d node2


node1    TCP  ALIVE        1

witness  TCP  ALIVE        1

#/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lcdstatus -q -d witness



node1    TCP  ALIVE        1

node2    TCP  ALIVE        1

Create a Data Replication cluster resource (i.e. Mirror)

Next, create a Data Replication resource to replicate the /var/lib/mysql partition from node1 (source) to node2 (target).  Click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:

data replication1

Follow the wizard with these selections:

Please Select Recovery Kit:  Data Replication
Switchback Type: intelligent
Server: node1
Hierarchy Type: Replicate Exiting Filesystem
Existing Mount Point: /var/lib/mysql
Data Replication Resource Tag: datarep-mysql
File System Resource Tab: /var/lib/mysql
Bitmap File: (default value)
Enable Asynchronous Replication:  No

After the resource has been created, the “Extend” (i.e. define backup server) wizard will appear.  Use the following selections:

Target Server: node2
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10
Target Disk: /dev/sdc1
Data Replication Resource Tag: datarep-mysql
Bitmap File: (default value)
Replication Path:
Mount Point: /var/lib/mysql
Root Tag: /var/lib/mysql

The cluster will look like this:

data replication2

Create Virtual IP

Next, create a Virtual IP cluster resource.  Click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:

virtual ip1

Follow the wizard with to create the IP resource with these selections:

Select Recovery Kit: IP
Switchback Type: Intelligent
IP Resource:
Network Interface: eth0
IP Resource Tag: ip-

Extend the IP resource with these selections:

Switchback Type: Intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10
IP Resource:
Network Interface: eth0
IP Resource Tag: ip-

Configure a Ping List for the IP resource

By default, SPS-Linux monitors the health of IP resources by performing a broadcast ping.  In many virtual and cloud environments, broadcast pings don’t work.  In a previous step, we set “NOBCASTPING=1” in /etc/default/LifeKeeper to turn off broadcast ping checks. Instead, we will define a ping list.  This is a list of IP addresses to be pinged during IP health checks for this IP resource.   In this guide, we will add the witness server ( to our ping list.

Right click on the IP resource (ip- and select Properties:

ping list1

You will see that initially, no ping list is configured for our subnet.   Click “Modify Ping List”:

ping list2

Enter “” (the IP address of our witness server), click “Add address” and finally click “Save List”:

ping list3

You will be returned to the IP properties panel, and can verify that has been added to the ping list.  Click OK to close the window:

ping list4

Create the MySQL resource hierarchy

Next, create a MySQL cluster resource.  The MySQL resource is responsible for stopping/starting/monitoring of your MySQL database.  To create, click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:

Follow the wizard with to create the IP resource with these selections:

Select Recovery Kit: MySQL Database
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Server: node1
Location of my.cnf: /var/lib/mysql
Location of MySQL executables: /usr/bin
Database Tag: mysql

Extend the IP resource with the following selections:

Target Server: node2
Switchback Type: intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10

As a result, your cluster will look as follows.  Notice that the Data Replication resource was automatically moved underneath the database (dependency automatically created) to ensure it’s always brought online before the database:


Create a Dependency between the IP resource and the MySQL Database resource

Create a dependency between the IP resource and the MySQL Database resource so that they failover together as a group.  Right click on the “mysql” resource and select “Create Dependency”:


On the following screen, select the “ip-” resource as the dependency.  Click Next and continue through the wizard:


At this point the SPS-Linux cluster configuration is complete.  The resource hierarchy will look as follows:



Create an Internal Load Balancer

If this was a typical on-premises cluster using either physical or virtual servers, you’d be done at this point.  Clients and Applications would connect into the Virtual IP of the cluster ( to reach the active node.  In Azure, this doesn’t work without some additional configuration.

You will notice that you can’t connect to the Virtual IP from any server other than the node that is currently active.  Most cloud providers, including Azure, do not allow or support gratuitous ARPs which is the reason you can’t connect to the Virtual IP directly.

To workaround this, Azure provides a feature were you can setup an Internal Load Balancer (ILB).  Essentially, when you connect to the IP address of the ILB (which we will actually set to be the same as the cluster’s Virtual IP – you are routed to the currently active cluster node.

Create a Load Balancer:

internal load balancer1

Give it a name, select “Internal” as the scheme, make sure your virtual network and subnet are properly selected, and assign a static IP that is the same as the cluster’s Virtual IP address.  In this example it’s

internal load balancer2

Next, add a backend pool behind the load balancer.  This how you place the two cluster VMs behind this load balancer

internal load balancer3

Select both of your cluster nodes (node1, node2) and add them to the Backend Pool:

internal load balancer4

Once saved, expand the backend pool (called “ILBBackEnd” here) and you’ll see both VMs underneath along with their status and IPs.  It may take a few seconds before the screen updates:

internal load balancer5

Next, configure a probe for your ILB.  The probe checks the health of a service behind the ILB to determine which node to route traffic to.  Here we will specify port 3306, which is the default for MySQL:

internal load balancer6

Finally, complete the ILB configuration by creating a Load Balancing Rule.   TCP, Port 3306, and make sure you select “Enabled” for “Floating IP (direct server return)”:

internal load balancer7

Test Cluster Connectivity

At this point, all of our Azure and Cluster configurations are complete!

Cluster resources are currently active on node1:


SSH into the witness server, “sudo su -” to gain root access.   Install the mysql client if needed:

[root@witness ~]# yum -y install mysql

Test MySQL connectivity to the cluster:

[root@witness ~]# mysql --host= mysql -u root -p

Execute the following MySQL query to display the hostname of the active cluster node:

mysql> select @@hostname;
| @@hostname |
| node1      |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Using LifeKeeper GUI, failover from Node1 -> Node2″.  Right click on the mysql resource underneath node2, and select “In Service…”:


After failover:


After failover has completed, re-run the MySQL query.  You’ll notice that the MySQL client has detected that the session was lost (during failover) and automatically reconnects:

Execute the following MySQL query to display the hostname of the active cluster node, verifying that now “node2” is active:

mysql> select @@hostname;
ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away
No connection. Trying to reconnect...
Connection id:    48
Current database: mysql
| @@hostname |
| node2      |
1 row in set (0.56 sec)


Aug 222012

Implementing high availability (HA) at the VMware layer is great. Why would you need anything else? Well, as useful as the solution is — and it does help to protect against some types of failures — VMware HA alone simply doesn’t cover all the bases.

According to Gartner Research, most unplanned outages are caused by application failure (40 percent of outages) or admin error (40 percent). Hardware, network, power, or environmental problems cause the rest (20 percent total). VMware HA focuses on protection against hardware failures, but a good application-clustering solution picks up the slack in other areas. Here are a few things to consider when architecting the proper HA strategy for your VMware environment.

Time to repair detail

Shorten outages with application-level monitoring and clustering. What about recovery speed? In a perfect world, there would be no failures, outages or downtime. But if an unplanned outage does occur, the next best thing is to get up and running and again — fast. This equation represents the total availability of your environment:

As you can see, detection time is a crucial piece of the equation. Here’s another place where VMware HA alone doesn’t quite cut it. VMware HA treats each virtual machine (VM) as a “black box” and has no real visibility into the health or status of the applications that are running inside. The VM and OS running inside might be just fine, but the application could be stopped, hung, or misconfigured, resulting in an outage for users.

Even when a host server failure is the issue, you must wait for VMware HA to restart the affected VMs on another host in the VMware cluster. That means that applications running on those VMs are down until 1) the outage is detected, 2) the OS boots fully on the new host system, 3) the applications restart, and 4) users reconnect to the apps.

By clustering at the application layer between multiple VMs, you are not only protected against application-level outages, you also shorten your outage-recovery time. The application can simply be restarted on a standby VM, which is already booted up and waiting to take over. To maximize availability, the VMs involved should live on different physical servers — or even better, separate VMware HA clusters or even separate datacenters!

Eliminate storage as a potential single point of failure (SPOF). Traditional clustering solutions, including VMware HA, require shared storage and typically protect applications or services only within a single data center. Technically, the shared-storage device represents an SPOF in your architecture. If you lose access to the back-end storage, your cluster and applications are down for the count. The goal of any HA solution is to increase overall availability by eliminating as many potential SPOFs as possible.

So how can you augment a native VMware HA cluster to provide greater levels of availability? To protect your entire stack, from hardware to applications, start with VMware HA. Next, you need a way to monitor and protect the applications. Clustering at the application level (i.e., within the VM) is the natural choice. Be sure to choose a clustering solution that supports host-based data replication (i.e., a shared-nothing configuration) so that you don’t need to go through the expense and complexity of setting up SAN-based replication. SAN replication solutions also typically lock you into a single storage vendor. On top of that, to cluster VMs by using shared storage, you generally need to enable Raw Device Mapping (RDM), which means that you lose access to many powerful VMware functions, such as vMotion.

Going with a shared-nothing cluster configuration eliminates the storage tier as an SPOF and at the same time allows you to use vMotion to migrate your VMs between physical hosts – it’s a win/win. A shared-nothing cluster is also an excellent solution for disaster recovery because the standby VM can reside at a different data center.

Cover all the bases. Application-failover clustering, layered over VMware HA, offers the best of both worlds. You can enjoy built-in hardware protection and application awareness, greater flexibility and scalability, and faster recovery times. Even better, the solution doesn’t need to break the bank.

 Posted by at 8:13 am